"How does a Court decide which Parent gets custody of Minor Children?"

The Mississippi Supreme Court has consistently maintained the the best interest of the minor child or children is the "Polestar" consideration for any Judge that is hearing your case.  In other words, that is the guiding principle any Judge must follow in a child custody case.  Every case is different, and deciding between two parents who both want custody is the most difficult and important decision a Judge can make.  In deciding who should get the "Primary" physical custody, the court looks at the following factors, known as the "Albright Factors"

1.  The Age of the Child or Children

2.  The Health and Sex of the Child or Children

3.   Which parent has had the "Continuity of Care" prior to the separation

4.  Which parent has the better parenting skills and which is more willing and able to provide child care.

5.  The employment of the parent, including the demands, hours and responsibilities of the employment.

6.  The physical and mental health of the parents, including the age of the parents in relation to the health issues.

7.  The emotional ties of each parent to the Child or Children

8.  The moral fitness of each parent.

9.  The home, community and school record of the Child or Children

10. The preference of the minor Child or Children if of an age or maturity to express such an opinion.

11.  The stability of the home environment of either parent.

12.  Any other factors relevant to the parent-child relationship.

     At our firm we build our entire case in custody disputes around these factors.  We have served as Counsel in over two hundred (200) custody hearings and trials, and we know what it takes to try the case.

      Please contact us if we can answer any questions in your custody dispute.