We often find guidance for our careers in unusual situations.
Before returning to Law School at Ole Miss, I taught German and English and coached at a high school in the Memphis area for two years. That experience turned out to be invaluable to me in my Law Practice, as I could see first-hand the effect that bad family situations can have on young people, both in the classroom and in social settings.
I remember having to deal with (on what seemed like a daily basis), a particularly difficult student, one who had a huge chip on his shoulder and seemed angry at world. I'm afraid I was not very compassionate with him at times that year when we were in the middle of a confrontation, but I learned very late in the year that he was being raised by his grandmother and that his parents were nowhere to be seen.
I have often thought that "Wake-Up" calls can come at any time and in any manner, and that was certainly one for me.
As a result, in my law practice I always try to keep in mind the welfare of the whole family when legal issues arise for one member. I think as attorneys we sometimes become so focused on helping our clients that we forget the effect the outcome may have on the rest of the family. Also, having been through a difficult and painful divorce myself some years ago, I can certainly relate to the anguish my clients go through as adults and the profound life changes involved for the entire family after a divorce. Although I have met with thousands of people over the years in family law, criminal law and probate matters, personally experiencing a painful situation gives me a true understanding of the emotional and mental pain for children and adults alike when legal issues arise.
I have practiced law in all of the North Mississippi counties for over 30 years, and have participated in over one thousand hearings, negotiations and trials, representing clients from all over Mississippi. In addition, I served as Municipal Court Judge for the City of Olive Branch for over thirty years and was among the longest serving Judges in the State of Mississippi. During my time as Judge I presided over many criminal cases, all of which affected the entire family in some form or fashion. That is why I often say, "All Law Is Family Law."
My goal is and has always been to help my clients in the bad times through encouragement and sound legal advice. It is my goal to protect their interests and those of their loved ones while guiding them through the legal maze of the law.
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